735q4e87 Wiki

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735q4e87 Wiki

Item Number: SCP-843

Object Class: Keter

Name: Asgore [REDACTED]

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-843 is to be contained in a K10 fire-proof Standard Holding Cell. SCP-843 is to be fed on a daily basis, and is provided with no luxuries.

Description: SCP-843 is a Class-B Monster resembling the Capra Aegagrus Hircus species. SCP-843 stands at roughly 2.2 meters in height, has black eyes, and possesses white fur. SCP-843 is related to SCP-005, presumably as a parent. SCP-843 appears to have a marital status with SCP-842. SCP-843 has the ability to summon a fire-like substance- similar to SCP-005 and SCP-842- which boils skin on contact1. SCP-842 possesses seemingly infinite stamina. [DATA EXPUNGED PER O5 REQUEST] [DATA EXPUNGED]
