735q4e87 Wiki

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735q4e87 Wiki



Cr!t!ca1!Sans is a sans who went insane after acquiring a truly ridiculous amount of determination.


Cr!t!ca1 was once a normal sans who lived a normal life. He lived with his brother and his father in a house in Snowdin. One day, his father almost fell into the core but sans saved him. Sans lived happily until a human came. This human, unlike he others that had fallen, could control reality. Manipulation time and space to their every whim. Despite Sans’s best attempts, he couldn’t stop his father and his brother from being slain. The human however, thought this was fun. So they rewinded time again and again so they could do it again and again. Sans was never able to save anyone. However, sans was tired.....so...tired. So he fought the human head on despite his father’s warnings. He fought the human to a standstill and eventually killed them when they made a mistake. Sans thought he was done but the human came back. Sans kept killing them but they kept coming back. Sans understood why no one could beat them now. They were immortal. So, as a last ditch effort he injected himself with determination. Instead of melting he funneled his determination directly into his soul. When he fought the human he killed them and took their soul. While he was trying to destroy it he accidentally absorbed it. He felt his new found godlike power and immediately went insane. He destroyed his entire timeline and left. All he wanted to do now was to kill. He sought power. More power. So there his megalomania-fueled rampage started.



He looks similar to Geno but his eyes are pupiless and are completely red. He has crimson red glitches surrounding him. His shirt is black and his jacket is white along with his shorts. His skeletal structure is cracked and he has an aura of faint red mist around him.


He is an insane megalomaniac that cares about nothing more than gaining more power and the thrill of the hunt. He doesn’t make alliances and doesn’t take no for an answer. He’s a masochist and enjoys suffering and agony.


Critical!Blasters and Bones[]

These blasters and bones do more and more damage the longer they are damaging something. The pierce and home in on targets and also bypass defense.

Crit Axe[]

A battle axe he can summon that can summon axe blades and slashes to hit things. It itself bypasses defense and has a 1% chance to deal 10x more damage.


He has a 50% chance to deal 5x more damage

Extra Guard[]

He has a small field around him that raises his hp by 100 and his Def by 500. It can be broken when a total of 100,000 damage has been dealt.


He can suck the power of other being away from them.

Code Influence[]

He can influence code to do things other than what they usually do. Only to a certain extent however.

Code Alteration[]

He can change what a piece of code is.

Basic Immortality[]

He doesn’t age.

Draining Aura[]

The mist that surrounds him drains the stats of anything in it into Cr!t!ca1 himself.

Shatter Blast[]

Can fire blasts of energy that shatter souls.

Mania Beamers[]

Thin and slimmer blasters that fire beams of energy that shatter minds and souls. They’re easy to dodge.

Stat Manipulation[]

He can control stats.


He is weak to void attacks. He’s also very cocky and might raise your stats so you “have a chance” and because it’s “more fun”
