735q4e87 Wiki

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735q4e87 Wiki

This is not a ripoff of last breath, it has nothing to do with last breath, this is just my OC.

Do not edit without my permission.



Chara had walked into the judgement hall wondering why she never faced off against Papyrus and Undyne, and also didn't see Sans in the middle of the judgement hall like she would normally do. Chara continued walking until suddenly sans appeared out of thin air. He had papyrus scarf on, and Undynes spear in his right hand. Sans also had a red jacket without a hood, and said that this was the last time Chara hurt his friends. Then the battle begun, and Sans had killed Chara over and over again. Then randomly he explained that he had absorbed Papyrus and Undynes souls. Then Sans had disappeared he teleported to the save screen, and destroyed it, ending this nightmare. He had went to void and gain the ability to go to any save screen in any universe, he also gained the ability to universe jump. He gave himself the name Last Stand! Sans.


He has a leather jacket that's red with no hood, he wears Papyrus scarf, which somehow gives him plus 15 def. He can summon Undynes spear when he needs to, and he also has the same pink slippers.


Hes now a pretty chill guy, and spends his days defending other universes. He likes to talk about people about life and give them life tips. He also hates talking about genocide (obviously).



DEF- 15 ( Papyrus scarf counts as armor)

HP- 120

Powers and Ability's[]

Dodge- When he reaches 50 HP he will start to dodge

Gaster blaster- He can use these as a shield and also shoots beams out of them

Bones- He can summon and manipulate bones

Blue magic- He can grab your and make it blue to fling you around

Karmic retribution- when he hits you start to take dmg from karmic retribution.

Spears- since he absorbed Undynes soul he can summon and manipulate spears

Green magic- Since absorbed Undynes soul he can use green magic, and will either give you a bone or spear to defend yourself against attacks.

Universe jump- He can jump to other universes

THE LAST STAND- if he gets to 1 hp he will activate Last stand mode which gives him 200 hp and buffs his moves to do more dmg but takes away karmic retribution

Cool Sans mode- Sans will put on a backwards hat, which will make him COOL, he gains more def and atk.

Your dead- If you insult Papyrus he will smack you with his spear sending you up in the air and summon a sphere of Gaster Blasters and bones around you you, he then shoots them at you, insta killing you


Papyrus- If he has to fight a papyrus his attack goes down to 1

His right arm- For some reason his right arm hurts when using blue magic, if you hit it after he uses blue magic it will do double the dmg
