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735q4e87 Wiki
* Have you thought about a world where everything is exactly the same...
* Except you don't exist?

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* Do you wanna have a bad time?

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Tales of the Sun is a crossover AU of Undertale taking place in the post-classic period of Mexico, set in the Aztec empire, in which all the main characters, as well as some minor characters, are replaced by Aztec gods. 

Character Changes[]

Main characters:

  • Frisk: they're a kid from the city of Tenochtitlan, the capital of the Aztec empire. They remain gender-neutral; their name is Yaotl (warrior, defender).
  • Toriel: she's replaced by Quetzalcoatl, the god of wind, air and learning.
  • Sans: he's replaced by Huehuecoyotl, the prankster god able to manipulate fate.
  • Papyrus: he's replaced by Xolotl, god of lightning, death, twins and deformities.
  • Undyne: she's replaced by Huitzilopochtli, the god of human sacrifice, war and the sun.
  • Alphys/Mettaton: Itzpapalotl, the skeletal warrior goddess, plays both their roles.
  • Asgore: he's replaced by Tezcatlipoca, the god of night, magic, slaves, rulership, among many others.
  • Asriel: he's replaced by the sun god, Tonatiuh. 
  • Flowey: he's Tonatiuh turned into a flower by the gods and forgotten by them, known as Tecoxochitl (Charcoal Flower).

Minor characters:

  • Napstablook: they're replaced by Xochiquetzal, goddess of fertility and beauty and the protector of young mothers.
  • Monster Kid: they're replaced by Painal, a god who served as the representative and deputy of Huitzilopochtli.
  • River Person: they're replaced by Mictlantecutli, god of the dead and the king of Mictlan (the underworld).
  • Mad Dummy: they're replaced by Centeotl, the maize deity.
  • Muffet: she's replaced by Xochipilli, the god of art, games, dance, flowers and songs.
  • Amalgamates: they're replaced by Tzitzimimeh, star demons that threatened to devour people during solar eclipses.

Location Changes[]

All locations in the original Underground are part of one massive cave resembling Waterfall, with several worn down structures scattered about.

Additional Changes[]


The soundtrack can be listened to here (still a very early WIP).


Soon... (maybe)
