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735q4e87 Wiki



Tournament!Sans is a sans from the O timeline(will be added later), When he was summoned into a Omniversal Tournament

It summoned people and monsters from all over the world replacing SOULs with SPIRITs

Tournament!Sans was a pretty timid guy, except around the people from his timeline, His SOUL was replace with the spirit of OTAKU and WEEB this is a half and half soul which are rare in the tournament.

He was normally seen with O timeline Frisk before she tried to kill him

He spent his time watching anime and honing his skills to become stronger.

He began to move up the ranks which began to surprise people

this made him a target for assassination and he was never able to fully trust someone.


Tournament!Sans has moved from being timid to weary, he doesn't trust anyone no matter who they are, and has began to indulge himself in anime, he's depressed because everyone from the O timeline was killed by Frisk


This sans wears a purple hoodie, blue shorts, and white sneakers. His eye glows red and pink (OTAKU and WEEB)

Powers and Abilities[]


he can create a giant blast of Ki instead of sitting in one place he can move the blast wherever he wants as well as being to move while it's in use, he can shoot from one or two hands as well as his gaster blasters (he only has 5)

Plot Armor

He is able to keep himself from dying when his HP drops to 0 and heal completely (he can only do this once per battle)


He can summon a stand named White Eagle which has these abilities

  • The Sky freezes time for 1 minute
  • Shift allows sans to morph in to anyone
  • Time Erasure allows sans to erase anything that happened within a 11 second time frame
  • BoomBoom White Eagle turns anything into a bomb and blows it up
  • Life manipulation enhances or morphs anything
  • AutoRepair breaks and repairs anything in any shape or place
  • Reflection Travel allows White Eagle and Sans to travel in any reflective surface (even eyes)
  • Water Form White Eagle turns into water and can morph into anything and manipulate any part of it's body that falls, drips, or is separated from it
  • ZipZip Allows White Eagle to create zippers anywhere and on anything this can be used to teleport or split someone in half
  • Reality manipulation White Eagle can morph reality however he wishes

Death manipulation

He can manipulate death however he wishes with a special pen which can write anywhere even on air, this also can make the most bizarre death happen not limited to that of the inferior death not, he can also tell the time of death in people


He can erase an ability as long as the target doesn't touch him


when says activates this he can turn anyone into stone unless their eyes are covered

Vital Location

Sans is able to find the location of someone's vital parts no matter what it is spiritual or mental he can find a vital

Gravity Manipulation

Sans can change the gravity of the area or an object from causing someone to fall into the earth's core to creating a plantoid


Sans can amplify his physical, mental, and spiritual abilities from 2-1,000,000 times(he can also amplify the amplification after amplifying)


Sans is able to create explosions of any makeup and size (a nuke x3 the size of a nuke for example)

Random armor equip

He can equip a random armor from a pocket dimension

Incredible fragments

Sans creates over 1,000 bones that split into tiny bone fragments that can cut even reality and follow his will


He can turn into rubber and manipulate his rubber body in various ways

Total Counter

He can counter any attack no matter how strong, the stronger the attack is, the stronger the counter

Earnest Punch

Punches so strong it can shatter a large part of reality

Giant Energy Orb

Creates an orb of the energy of all living beings in a multiverse and blasts it


Sans is completely immune to simping

Why would I wait

He can attack during someone's transformation or charge up


Anti-Simp mode

Sans multiplies his mental strength by Omni-infinity not only making him the smartest being in existence but also the Anti-Simp lord, he can erase the simp in anyone no matter how strong and manipulate the anti-simp dimension


  • Supreme smarts, makes sans the smartest being in existence
  • Anti-Simp Scythe, creates a scythe that becomes 1,000,000x stronger when fighting someone who's simped, had a simp, or has a simp in normal form it can destroy a void(a not the)
  • Anti-Simp Gaster Blaster, can randomly change the code of someone who's simped, had a simp, or has a simp
  • Caculate, sans can predict the best possible outcome and complete it
  • Anti-Simp Void, Sans can teleport, Summon random beings, gain a random boost, give someone a random debuff, or gain a random weapon or item

Ultra-Instinct Omega mode

This mode is more powerful then Ultra instinct and Kaiokin combined


Warping Gaster Blaster, shoots several kamekamehas out of his 5 gaster blasters that can warp space and time and rip reality

ALMIGHTY shove..., sans sends out a spirit form which shoves someone into a planet's or if he get's serious a multiverses core

GEEEEEEEEEEEEEET DUNNNNNNKED ON, Sans speeds towards someone rips their consciousness from their body, morphs it into a basketball and dunks them into the pits of the anti-void or further

Enhanced Stomach Capacity He can eat a Infinite amount of anything

Rubber Lord Mode

Sans multiplies his physical and mental abilities by who knows how much, he then completely focuses on Rubber and Total Counter


Rubbery Demise, Sans sends out a incalculable amount of punches but first increases the size of his arms by 9k

RUBBER COUNTER, Sans sends out a force of all attacks he has ever received in his lifetime multiplied by 300,000,000 and sends it out

Giant Fist Slap, Basically Rubbery demise except all the strength of the punches are in his hand which he slaps someone with

Chakra Creator mode

Sans unleashes his spiritual ability multiplied by an incalculable amount and uses it to morph his body into pure chakra,


OMEGA CHAKRA BLASTING BARRAGE, sends out a barrage of chakra from multiple points in existence these can disintegrate ANYTHING

Full Chakra counter, basically rubber counter with 900 times the power

Knife of Creation, summons a knife which with each cut creates a random thing with a power level of 1-Omni-infinity

Big sword, creates well a big sword which tears reality


currently he is not at this level but in AUs or stories he can be used as this level or his current level


  • Sans can run out of energy but it recovers fast
  • Sans can use his modes only 2 times a day it can last forever if he keeps a mode on so he doesn't have to use the second one
  • Summoning 5 blasters is his limit but he can blast multiple blast from them
  • when he is normally fighting he uses 60% of his power not something like 0.000000000000000000000000001%, when training it's 30%, and while serious it's 95%


  • Sans' moves are inspired by multiple anime
  • Sans can taste and smell without a tongue or nose
  • Sans can reincarnate



not the OG anime frisk but Tournament!Tale anime!frisk is a rival of Sans' of course currently he can't stand up to her but in the level stated here he can easily fight her (These are not all his abilities) especially with Anti simp mode

O-Timeline Frisk(Enemy)[]

Frisk tried to kill him while they were having a talk in a cafe(it wasn't very popular)

Xerox!Sans(Partial Friend)[]

Xerox!Sans hopped into the O-Timeline before Sans was summoned, they were friends before but now partial friends due to Sans' personality, they still communicate with each other using the 'letter' and sometimes Xerox!Sans visits the tournament




Someone add the infobox template and I'll edit it cause I'm L A Z Y
